Riverfront Readings featuring Patricia Cleary Miller and Trish Reeves

The Writers Place | The Nonprofit Village 31 W. 31st Street, Kansas City, MO, United States

Please join us for our April 14th reading featuring Patricia Cleary Miller and Trish Reeves. If you're not able to attend in person, this event will be live-streamed on Zoom. Please register for the Zoom session at https://squoom.com/z/rf230414, and you will be provided with the information needed to join the reading. A founding board member and past president of The Writers Place, Patricia Cleary Miller finds discipline, energy, and inspiration from her fellow poets in The Diversifiers. Her poems have appeared in New Letters, Connecticut Review, Cottonwood, I -70 Review, English Stand, Big Muddy, and Helicon Nine. Her collections include Crimson Lights, the poems she wrote as poet laureate of the Harvard Alumni Association; and from BkMk Press, Starting a Swan Dive and Can You Smell the Rain? (which includes her poem ”Mother Won’t Wear Polypropylene,” which won a Pushcart Prize). As a professor of English at Rockhurst University she founded The Rockhurst Review, chaired the Department of English and the Humanities Division, and raised funds for endowed scholarships in the Humanities. Trish Reeves will be reading from her new book, The Receipt (Cynren Press, April 2023). Reeves has been awarded fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Yaddo, Keck, and the Kansas Arts Commission. Her first book, Returning the Question, won the Cleveland State University Poetry Center Prize. Her poems have been anthologized and published in numerous journals, including Ploughshares, New Letters, Women’s Review of Books, Prairie Schooner, and Leon Literary Review. In 2022, she received the Liberty Bell Award from the Johnson County Kansas Bar Association for her years leading Changing Lives Through Literature for Johnson County Corrections. Suggested donations: $5.00 non-members $4.00 Writers Place members $3.00 students All suggested donations go to the artists. Join us at The Writers Place Nonprofit Village 31 W 31st Street, KCMO or by Zoom at https://squoom.com/z/rf230414